Evangelist Oloyede Raphael


You are welcome to this week's Wednesday sermon. I hope you are having a good week so far. God bless you as you read through in Jesus name.

Today's Topic:
Today's Text: Matthew 14: 22-36
Memory Verse: Matthew 14:30

But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

The story in this text is a very popular one, "Jesus walked on the water." But I want us to learn from verse 30

Many people are giving everything in other to achieve success in education, career, relationship, marriage, business and many more.

Actually, those challenges before us seem unsurmountable but you have given it a shot. I want to advice that you should keep on moving.

Just like Peter, many of us are really trying, but all of a sudden you begin to think of how difficult the problem is. I'm sorry to tell you that you are about to sink.

Imagine someone who collected an hire purchase of a "Keke Maruwa" of around 700,000. After paying half of the money or more, he then thought that he cannot continue because the money is too much.

Such person should be seen as not wise enough, because his effort...... would come to a waste.

Many people have lost focus in life. Jesus was standing before Peter, yet he lost concentration.

My advice, on your way to achieving greatness in life, is that you should expect people/forces to discourage, distract, threaten you.

These people/forces are as powerful as wind, but be very firm with your target, lest you will sink.

The same way on our journey to meet Christ Jesus, you must be determined to make heaven, lest you will sink with the devil. CCC Hymn 76

Thank for your time to read my message today. Stay blessed in the Lord, see you next week. Evangelist Oloyede Raphael