Happy new month to you all my dear readers. I pray it shall be a month of bountiful harvest in Jesus name. The text for the sermon this week is Acts 19v13-20. The topic is "You are recognised ".

The topic which is taken from verse fifteen "Jesus I know, and Paul I know ; but who are you? " could also come in a question form "Are you recognised?" with the same message.

The Acts of Apostles and other books of the Bible has a good record of Paul's missionary activities. His conversion was indeed a great blessing to (the way) - Christianity. He was popular and great that even the evil spirit recognised him.

Below are some of the facts and lessons from the topic.
1. The name and authority of Jesus Christ drives out evil spirits.
2. Good effort of an individual in God's service is recognised by God.
3. Even the evil spirits recognises the genuinty of our sonship in Christ Jesus. Acts 19v13.
4. Like the seven sons of Sceva, those that are not recognised by Christ that attempts miracle with his authority have regret as the only option. Acts 19v16.
5. Either the right or wrong use of authority of Christ will end up spreading God's glory Acts 1917-20.
6. Sincere repentance is the best. Acts 19v 20.
7. Make every effort to be recognised as a true child of God by all.

Till I come your way next week, remain blessed in the Lord always. Shalom.

Bro. Enigbokan Omosehin