Halleluyah!!! Calvary greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Happy New month.

I pray it shall be a month of great testimonies in the name of Jesus Christ. The text for the week is Mark 4v35-41. The topic is "Leaving the Crowd"

The Bible according to the synoptic writers has records of our Lord Jesus Christ leaving the crowd in some cases and withdrawing to a remote area for some special tasks.

There are benefits and good reasons for staying with the crowd even as Christ did during his days on earth. However, the focus in today's lesson is to consider the benefits of staying away from the crowd when necessary.

Lessons to learn from staying away from the crowd.

1. Distractions abounds in the crowd, inclusive of Christian gathering.
2. Contrary ideas and beliefs abounds in the crowd.
3. Unguided long stay in the crowd mostly cause unnecessary conflict in our character person.
4. The "heavy noise" in the crowd is a distraction to the humble spirit in us as Christians.

In conclusion brethren, we need to always check the relevance of our presence each time we are in the crowd. Staying in the crowd may be the best or worst experience of a Christian depending on the outcome of the stay.

Till I come your way next week, remain blessed in the Lord always.

Bro. Enigbokan Omosehin