Happy new year to you my dear readers. To God be the glory for His faithfulness. In His great mercy we crossed over to the new year 2017. May His name be praised.

I sincerely appreciate you for creating time to read and study my sermon on this platform. The new year shall be a year of great testimonies in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The text for the week is Matthew 2:13-23. The topic is "Spiritual Compass"

The escape to Egypt and return to Nazareth as directed by God through His angel pertaining to the safety of our Lord Jesus Christ is a perfect example for us at the beginning of a new year. Spiritual pertains to the spirit or the soul and compass is a magnetic or electronic device used to determine the cardinal directions.

My dear reader, the message I intend communicating with the topic "Spiritual Compass" is that a Christian needs to be guided, directed and monitored in order to be in a perfect relationship with God and to overcome both minor and major issues of life.

I shall be discussing four ways we can be guided at maintaining good relationship with God and overcoming the evils of this world.

Firstly, and according to the scriptural reading , DREAM is a vital tool in Christianity that function as spiritual compass guiding people on what to do and what not to do. Dream is common to all by default. Even gentiles dream dreams. Improve on your spiritual life and you will be guided by dreams. Matt 2:13, 19-20, 12, 22; Num 12:6.

The second spiritual compass is PROPHECY. I pray the prophet/prophetess unit of the Church will have a better understanding of their role and guide people geneuly as divinely directed. 1 Cor 14:4; Am.3:8.

Another spiritual compass is the perfect understanding and application of the word of God. My dear reader, I strongly advise that we create more time for the study of the Bible. The powerful messages in this Holy Book if properly applied is a sure spiritual compass. Heb 4:12; Pro 30:5; Lk 8:11.

Lastly brethren, our sincere and coordinated prayer to God is a spiritual compass. When we pray in conformity with the Biblical principles of prayer, it is a sure spiritual compass. 1 King 8:45; 2 Chr. 30:27; Psalm 5:3, 42:8.

Till I come your way next week, remain blessed in the Lord always.

Bro. Enigbokan Omosehin