You are welcome to this week's sermon, you are blessed as you read through in Jesus name (amen).

Today's Topic: Talkless, Act More
Bible Lesson: Cenesis 39: 1-8
Memory Verse: Gen 39:3

Today's text contains one of the most popular story of the Bible, "The Story of Joseph, the son of Jacob", hence we shall not lay much emphasizes on it, but nonetheless, I have picked one very important point from the story. It is in both:

Verse 2: "And the Lord was with Joseph"
Verse 3: And his master saw that the Lord was with him.

My dear reader, especially the religious or acclaimed righteous, you probably have asked this question - God why me? You may begin to doubt God's promise for your life, business, marriage, child bearing, educational career and many more.

I want you to have a second thought. Read Psalm 37:19.

*Many people tend to compromise their personality when faced with challenges.

* Do you know that what attracts people to you is more than your physical look, they are "godliness and goodness".

Joseph, despite his predicament, still maintained a good relationship with God and his master.

Have you ever given it a thought, what actually prompted Potiphar to entrust Joseph with his household.

1. Joseph was a hardworking man.

2. Joseph was not a desperate to achieve success.

You don't need to fight for everything but God will fight for you. If God is with you, you don't need to be flamboyant, people will see that you deserve favour.

Dear sisters, the male folks know who is a wife material. Our Bosses know whether we deserve to be promoted. As students, our lecturers do monitor us and know the score we deserve. Psalm 37:3-4.

God was with Joseph and his master attested to it, that is why he could hand over his property to him because he believed he would take good care it effectively.

On a final note, I am reminding you that God is aware of your situation and is not slumbering. Remember, your attitude reflects your real being.

Till I come your way next week, thank you and remain blessed in the Lord.

Yours Evangelist Oloyede Raphael
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