You're welcome to the friday sermon on Celestial Church Blog.
The text for this week is Mark 5 vs 21-43. The topic is "Do not fear, only believe".

Our Lord Jesus Christ performed two miracles according to the passage. He healed the woman with a flow of blood(vs 29) and he raised Jarius' daughter from dead(sleep).

One major similarity between the two miracles is that the woman had been in that condition for twelve years and the girl that was raised was also twelve years (vs 25, 42).

According to Jesus comment, the woman with the flow of blood showcased greater faith than Jarius. (vs 34 & 35)

In accordance with the topic, our focus today is to state precisely those factors that enhances our faith in christ. The same factor when reversed are the causes of unbelief.

1. Whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exist. Heb 11 vs 6

2. A sound knowledge of the reports about God, Jesus Christ and miracles. Mark 5 vs 27

3. A cordial relationship with God . John 15 vs 1-9

4. Mastering and applying the undilluted word of God. John 15 vs 7

5. A righteous life without sin enhances faith in the Lord while a life full of sin embraces unbelief.

Till I come your way next week, be fruitful and faithful. God bless you. Bro Enigbokan Omosehin.