Compliment of the season to everyone on this platform. Christ is the reason for the season and all seasons. I pray for the grace to continually abide in him.

The text for the week is Habakkuk 2 v 5-17. The topic is "Why you shouldn't trust Alcoholic drinks". According to v5 (RSV). It takes maturity and a valid conscience for a man to read a message of this nature that directly condemn a popular negative act, if he is a 'victim' of the act.

Wisdom demands that whoever that is free from such act will study and learn to justify the popular saying that prevention is better than cure.

Brethren, I shall precisely be stating some of the consequences of alcoholism:
1. Increased family problems, broken relationship
2. High blood pressure, stroke, and other hearth-related diseases
3. Liver disease
4. Nerve damage
5. Sexual problems
6. Permanent damage to the brain
7. Intentional injuries such as firearm injuries, domestic violence, sexual assault
8. Unintentional injuries such as Car crash, falls, burns, drowning
9. Shame and disrespect
10. Loss of job
11. Wasteful spending
12. Obstacle to the kingdom of God
13. Untimely death.

The Bible does teach total abstinence from alcohol. Prov. 20v1; Gen. 9v20-26, 19v30-38; Num. 6v3; Deut. 29v5-6; Prov. 23v19-20; Lk 12v45, 21v34.

Shalom. Bro. Enigbokan Omosehin.