Bro. Enigbokan Omosehin
You're welcome to the Friday sermon on Celestial Church Blog. How has been your week? The scriptural reading for the week is Matthew. 5v13-16. The topic is "Let your light shine before men".

Our Lord Jesus Christ taught the crowd on beatitudes. His teaching covered "salt and light", that is, Christians are the salt and light of the world.

The teaching "concept" of salt and light is theoretically popular among Christians. However, the concept is more practically oriented. The practicality of the concept makes it manifestation easily noticed. The objective of Christ Jesus was to train disciples that would add value i.e. Positively influence the world from generation to generation. The two items used has the same interpretation.

As the salt of the world, Christians are saddled with the responsibility of making good impact in the world. The impact of the salt to the soup is liken to the impact of Christians to the world. Mt. 5v13; Mk. 9v50.

You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven. Mt. 5v16; Ecc. 11v17; Mt. 5v14.

In conclusion brethren, i hope your salt has not loose its saltiness. Is your light still burning and illuminating the darkness of the world? Think about it.

Yours in the hope of his second coming.

Bro. Enigbokan Omosehin