We look at 6 possible experiences of new members when they joined the Church.

1. Someone introduced you to the Church, but you are skeptical in accepting the offer, because of negative reports you have heard about the Church. You tell yourself you will never go to that Church

2. Finally, you cannot hold it again, then you summoned the courage to go to the Church.

3. Getting to the Church and you were given a message and everything the Prophet(ess) said was the truth. The story of your life was summarized.

4. Then you decide to become a member of the Church, as you were convinced that the Church isn't occultic or practice fetish activities.

5. Suddenly, you ask yourself, how will I look when I walk barefooted. So you have to put your garment in a bag and wear mufti to Church, so that neighbours and friends won't see you.

6. When you have spent 3 years in the Church and everything is going on well with you.