Halleluyah!!!, it gladden my heart to welcome you to another episode of my sermon on Celestial Church blog. How has been your week?

The text for the week is James 2v14-26. The topic is " Faith and Deeds" or " Faith and Work".

The topic for discussion this week is one of the popular topics among Christians. Saint James gave a thorough illustration and explanation on this topic. Interaction with Christians confirms that majority of them lack the knowledge of the concept of "Faith and Work". Although, many understand the concept of "Faith" but when "Work" is added, misinterpretation becomes the order of the day. Many take the "Work" mean the profession, career or occupation which is not.

Faith means trust or belief. James in his epistle, admonished Christians who genuinely believe in Jesus Christ to reflect their belief and faith in their lifestyle. According to James, Christians must combine their faith with work. This means that any Christian who does not practise the moral principles of Christianity is not a good Christian.

Deeds (work) in this context and as justified in the Bible refers to good actions that compliment our faith. Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.

Like the illustration used by St. James, it is not ideal to pray (faith) for a brother who is obviously hungry without providing (work/deeds) for his physical needs (food) by your action.

Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. James 2v8b.
James 1v22-27, 2v14-26.

Bro. Enigbokan Omosehin