Compliment of the season to you all. The text for the sermon of today's Friday service is Exo 32: 15 - 24. The topic is "...........into such great sin".

Brethren, the topic is the concluding part of the question Moses asked Aaron in verse 21 of the text. "What did these people do to you that you led them into such great sin? ".

God invited Moses to mount Sinai for the purpose of inscibing on the tablets, the commandments that would regulate the behaviors of the Israelites in the new relationship with God after He delivered them from their bandage in Egypt. The two tablets were called "Tablets of Testimony " Exo 32: 15.

Dear readers, permit me to highlight the facts and lessons in the scriptural reading in a stated form.

1. Rules and regulations (commandments) are essential to the features of a relationship.

2.The "Tablets of Testimony " - the commandments were so essential that God decided to inscribe on them Himself. Exo 32: 16.

3. Like the Israeilte, most Christians in our generation have readily available golden calf (idol, gods) they run to when God is "slow to respond ". Exo 32: 1.

4.Ignorance is a major issue in a relationship. Common sense demands that the Israelite would have made enquiry why it took Moses long time to return before the hasty conclusion. This is a major issue in our generation. Exo 32:1.

5. In his personal defense before Moses, Aaron confirmed that the Israelites were prone to evil. Same is the story till date. Exo 32 :22.

6. Idolatry is a great sin before the Lord and it is common in our generation. 2 Chr. 34: 33; Hos 8:4; Exo 20:4; Dt 4:16; 1 Thess 1:9; 1 John 5:21.

7. There is punishment for all sin. The best way to be free from these punishment is to live a life without sin.

Thank you and God bless. Shalom.

Bro. Enigbokan Omosehin