I have decided to put this to paper discussing the issue of men of nowadays and their wrong perception towards extra marital affairs.

There is always equality between men and women when it comes to sincerity in relationship. The both parties must agree together to move a ship (Amos 3:3).

When was the last time you made your spouse feel special? Some men are not romantic a bit, they lack how to say good words to their women such as "Dear you look so beautiful today, tell me your secret honey!"

Taking care of your woman begins from how you address her in public before your family and friends. No matter the odd time between both parties, you don't bring her down before others.

Being a human, you are craving for that love and attention and your relationship or marriage is not turning out as you had dreamt it would. Sooner or later, you will be looking for it in the wrong places.

There is nothing worse for your relatioship or marriage than being involved in an extra marital affair. Breaking your spouse’s trust will be the worst thing to do.

Some people will say it is normal for a man to have extramarital affairs but I always put a test to them as a man and say "can you cope with it when your wife practice that"?

In my submission, the only thing that bounds your love to be more stronger than ever is sincerity from both parties. There shouldn't be a room for third parties in your affairs.