The division of the church is not new, as it also took place in the Bible among the disciples of Christ, so says Prophet Ekunola Davies.
In his word ministration at the 2018 edition of Luli Concert, Prophet Ekunola stated that despite the trouble of division in Celestial Church of Christ and Christiandom, Jesus Christ desires oneness for his disciples and the Church.
While speaking on the theme of this year's Concert Oneness in Christ, he attributed the cause of division in Christiandom to the dispute over which denomination is superior and unnecessary doctrinal philosophies that are not spiritual balanced.
The Prophet listed the name of Jesus, the word of God and the power of praises as the 3 major components that can break the barrier of division in the Church. He opined that in as much everyone call the name of Jesus in holiness in their various churches, they are all one.
Ekunola also affirmed that the word of God is greater than any denomination, therefore no doctrine or teaching can stand against the word of God. Lastly, he maintained that through praises, the power of division in Christiandom can be defeated, because praising God, unity takes place.
In his word ministration at the 2018 edition of Luli Concert, Prophet Ekunola stated that despite the trouble of division in Celestial Church of Christ and Christiandom, Jesus Christ desires oneness for his disciples and the Church.
While speaking on the theme of this year's Concert Oneness in Christ, he attributed the cause of division in Christiandom to the dispute over which denomination is superior and unnecessary doctrinal philosophies that are not spiritual balanced.
The Prophet listed the name of Jesus, the word of God and the power of praises as the 3 major components that can break the barrier of division in the Church. He opined that in as much everyone call the name of Jesus in holiness in their various churches, they are all one.
Ekunola also affirmed that the word of God is greater than any denomination, therefore no doctrine or teaching can stand against the word of God. Lastly, he maintained that through praises, the power of division in Christiandom can be defeated, because praising God, unity takes place.
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