Positive and negative thing about rank and anointment in celestial church
Picture of anointment section

In an article, Solomon Olatuja discussed the importance of receiving anointment, rank in the Church.

In the article, he listed 7 positive and negative roles receiving rank can cause, while maintaining that it is never a bad idea to be anointed to receive a rank in the Church.

He listed the positive roles as:

(1) rank is what keeps the church not to being worse than it is now,

(2)rank is what is still making some stubborn ones coolheaded,

(3)rank make persons with strife hard to meet up to the standard,

(4)rank allow you to see the meek easily in their dealings with others,

(5)rank pave way for you to get things easily,

(6)rank remind you of whom you are in the church,

(7)rank allow one to know the role to play when a superior is not around.

He listed the negative roles as:

(1) rank brings out pride which is the brother of satan,

(2) rank promotes competition between members,

(3) rank (may) bring jealousy to one another,

(4) rank brought about corruption,

(5) rank make the right leaders to head the right parish to be bench in one corner,

(6) rank brought about disunity due to he is my boy I can't queue in his front.

(7) rank (may) brought about spiritual attack.