Members of the Church observing prayer before entering the Church.
Credit: Celeijayeabkta FB Page
Cape Elder Brother David was born in the Church, he attends one of the big parishes, but you would noticed that during Sunday Service, he would pick up his Bible and Hymn Book, then signals to his family immediately after sermon or thanksgiving or better still after the recessional hymn, for them to start going home.

The scenario depicted above is not unusual in the Church and it's getting more rampant. CCB looks at the intrigues behind the Jerimoyah In, Jerimoyah Out Syndrome.

As usual, some elders of the Church would rush to condemn members who have taken the syndrome under discussion into practice. During sermons, announcements and other Church events, you would hear statements which tend to demoralize such members rather than comforting and appealing to them.

It is good to note that members who practice this syndrome do so not because they feel like avoiding or mingling with other church members or taking part in Church duties, but because they had witnessed one problem or the other when they had mingled with other members in the Church.

Shola who is a member confides in CCB that she started practicing the syndrome under discussion after the annual harvest of her Parish.

"I was the harvest secretary , and I complained about some irregularities during the planning of the harvest, but I was sidelined as the harvest became close, because they thought that the ideas I am putting forward are too prudent.

"After the harvest, things got worst, as some members of the harvest committee stop talking to me, after every attempt to mend fence with them.

" In an attempt not to leave the Parish I am worshiping, I just have to start the Jerimoyah In, Jerimoyah Out Syndrome" Shola said.

Those who engage in this syndrome do so to:

1.avoid issues that would make them become confrontation with other members.

2. resist the temptation of leaving the Church (or Parish they worship).

It would be important to note that the characteristics of those who engage in this act includes, avoid taking up Church responsibilities, go home very early, are not punctual to Church events, avoid Church meetings, would not join any group in the Church among many others.

Conclusively, this syndrome is a cog in the wheel of progress in the development of the Church, as the resources of some of the best brains/minds in the Church (or Parish) become untapped. It is pertinent that the Church need to work on interpersonal relationships among members of the Church rather than shying away that this syndrome isn't a problem.

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