It gladden my heart to welcome you to this episode of my sermon on Celestial Church Blog. I supplicate the Lord for the grace to continually abide in Him and His words. The text for the week is John 15v18-27. The topic is "No Excuse for Sin".

The scriptural reading for the sermon has many topics. A very popular among the topics is " the world hates the disciples". I decided to settle for the not too obvious topic in v22 because i observe we are not there yet.

"If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin". These were the words of Jesus Christ in John 15v22.

Our Lord Jesus Christ called his first or early disciples for two major reasons. To help in the spread of the gospel to the four corners of the world during his (Christ) stay on earth and to receive sound teaching of the gospel that would be pass from one generation to another till his second appearance.

With this solid arrangement on ground, there is no excuse for sin. My dear reader, it is your responsibility to take advantage of the word of God and act wisely in full obedience without delay. I pray your case will not be like that of the "adorun mooto" rich man in the popular "Lazarus and the rich man" parable of Jesus Christ. Shalom.

John 1v29;LK 5V30;7V34; Ro 6v2; 1 John 3v6; 5v18; Ro 13v11; 8v1-17.

Bro. Enigbokan Omosehin.