The need for our parishes to have a Children Church have been hammered by, a website focused with the development of Children.

The website gave the following reasons:

1. Children are the church of today

It is easy to see children as the church of the future and see children’s work as something just intended to keep children occupied while adults listen to the preach. When we look at and treat children in this way, we will commicate to them that they don’t really belong and can’t really contribute, and there is a big chance that they will leave the church when they become teenagers.

Children very much belong to the church of today. Within our children’s ministry we can encourage them to practice their gifts and talents for the benefit of the other children and the wider church.
2. Children are also the church of the future

The children in our churches today are the leaders of the church tomorrow. When we invest in them today, we as a church and a wider society will reap the benefits in the future. You’re not just telling Bible stories, singing songs or playing quizzes. Through your kids ministry you’re developing a new generation of followers of Jesus who will make their mark within the church and the wider society.

3. Jesus demonstrates the importance of children

Time and time again Jesus shows us the importance of children. He puts a child on his lap and tells his disciples that unless they become like children they will not enter the Kingdom of God. He blesses the children and when adults push them away Jesus rebukes them and draws them into the centre.

Let us follow His example and go beyond teaching children within our kids minstry. Let us take a step further and become like children, learn from children, bless children and let’s place them in the centre of the church.

4. Children’s ministry is Biblical

Several times in the Bible we are encouraged to teach children in the ways of the Lord. This is a task for parents, but also for the wider community of believers. Jewish children were not only taught Bible knowledge (which is very important), they were taught to walk in these ways. Growing in your faith is learning to walk, talk and act as a follower of Jesus. Within children's ministry we can be a Paul to a Timothy or a Deborah to Barak.
5. Kids ministry is fun for the children and hopefully... for you!

We have looked at four serious reasons to invest in kids ministry. The last one is less serious, but just as important. We should invest in kids ministry because it is fun for the children. But not only for the children. We hope that through all the ideas on this site it will also be fun and uplifting for you.

If you are already involved in kids ministry we want to say: “Thank you! Thank you for your love for children, your time, your involvement, your talents, your perseverance, your openness. Thank you on behalf of all those children that you bless!”