Halleluyah!!!, it gladdens my heart to welcome you to another episode of my sermon on Celestial Church Blog.

How has been your week? The text for the week is Genesis 6:1-22.The topic is Lessons from the flood.

The flood is one of the major story in the old testament . I decided to focus on the lessons from the flood because of the understanding that the story is very popular among the people.

Some of the significant points and lessons from the flood inclues the following:

1. The wickedness of man as noticed by God led to the flood. Man's wickedness still abound till date ......Gen. 6:5.

2. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth. The attitude (wickedness) of man has not changed even after the first visit of Jesus Christ - This is worrisome.

3. Dear reader, we should not think or look far when man wickedness is mentioned. In most cases 'we' are the 'container' of the wickedness.

4. In every wicked society, anyone that fear and obey the Lord will always be favoured. Gen. 6:8.

5. Noah adhered strictly to God's instructions concerning the ark and the occupants. It is a worthy attribute to emulate.

6. The 'covenant' of destruction God made was fulfilled because man did not repent of his iniquities.

In summary brethren, we are familiar with the story of the flood, but i advise we medidate on the points and lessons mentioned for positive change in our attitude.

God bless you all.

Bro. Enigbokan Omosehin