Calvary greetings to you all in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You're welcome to the new episode of my sermon on Celestial Church Blog. The scriptural reading for the week is Micah 7 v 18 - 20. The topic is God is Aware of Whatever You Are Going Through.

My dear reader, today's topic is aimed at discussing one of the numerous attributes of God. God is compassionate. Compassion means deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it.

The plan and desire of God at creation for creating man in His image and likeness was that man would portray similar character like Him. Genesis 1 v 26. Imagine a world where every human being functions compassionately like God - (paradise on earth). But reverse is the case. The Bible confirmed that the thought of man is evil always.

The main focus of the sermon is to explain the meaning of compassion as God's quality and compare with the wicked act that most human being exhibit rather than being compassionate like God.

To be compassionate has two parts. The first part is the awareness of the suffering of another and the second part is the wish to relieve it.

God is always aware of our suffering. He will never deny the knowledge of our suffering. Human beings will pretend not knowing there is suffering or cause the suffering to make life miserable for poeple.

The motive of God wanting to know of our suffering is to relieve us of such suffering. While most human being will pretend not knowing of any suffering is to make life miserable for others.

Do you relieve poeple of their suffering or you make them suffer?

John 6 v 5-6; Eph 4 v 32; Col 3 v 12; Gal 6 v 2; Matt 7 v 12; Gal 2 v 10.

Shalom. Bro. Enigbokan Omosehin.