Showing posts with the label OshoffaShow all

Oshoffa's Shoe Size With Pictures || I touched Oshoffa's legs because I wanted to confirm if they were too big for shoes - VMSE Ojediran

Picture of Oshoffa with his legs showing   Often, there are insinuations by non members in regards to the reasons why members of Celes…

Why Oshoffa never believed in theological schools - Oshin

Reverend SBJ Oshoffa The establishment of schools for the advancement of theological knowledge in Celestial Church of Christ never …

#CCBpictureOfTheDay: Papa Oshoffa Before A Revival

The reason Papa Oshoffa never traveled abroad

Reverend SBJ Oshoffa The founder of Celestial Church of Christ, S.B.J Oshoffa never set his feet in Europe or America because he has t…

Revealed: SBJ Oshoffa Best Food And Drink......You Won't Believe What They Are.

Reverend SBJ Oshoffa Unknown to many celestial member, the founder of this great church, S.B.J Oshoffa has the food and drink he love…