Importance of Drama Group in The Church
Picture of a Drama Group

While the ministry of the drama is not officially recognized by the Bible and Celestial Church's tenets and doctrines, the need to be embraced by the Church has been emphasized by writer Ayo Elijah.

In an article, Elijah observed that the music and drama are of the same category hence, attention should also be given to the former.

"Drama in the body of Christ or the Drama ministry isn't part of the five fold ministry or a ministry gift but yet has proved to be one of the best ways to relate and relay the gospel and give it a bodily representation.

"We will agree in all of the sense organs, the sight is acknowledged as the light and very important i.e the power of visibility cannot be over-emphasized", he argued.

Elijah further asserted that since humans easily remember things they see, then drama will serve as a better way to pass the message of salvation.  

He wrote, "People relate easily to what they can see rather than what they hear or feel. The power of WITNESSING is incomparable. Even a court will have a "witness" based on what is SEEN.

"The Christian body is rooted on belief and of cause, all of the theology or doctrine can't all be dramatized or put into a play but a great body of the Christian character and life, when dramatized, passes a great deal of messages to the recipient.

"People tend to learn better and faster from a sermon been dramatized than it's been preached or rather, people get a clearer picture of a sermon when it's been dramatized. People tend to learn better and faster from a sermon been dramatized than it's been preached or rather, people get a clearer picture of a sermon when it's been dramatized."

Furthermore, he mentioned that as much as the role of the drama is significant, it can't take the place of the sermon, but it is needed to combat the negative worldly drama seen in the media.

"In this season, the world has more drama taking roots all over the media. Comic, Pornography and all sort feeding the eyes and mind. It is the duty of the body of Christ to make a clear representation of Christ in filling also the media with teachings of Christ and Christ characters in Dramas also.

"This can eventually be extended to film making, as DRAMA is able to portray to the world ideas and thoughts which one intends the world to see."

Additional Reading:


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